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Image: Grahame, one of the literacy learners starring in the second season of Lost for Words, being interviewed by Conference MC, Chemène Sinson Image: Vanessa Iles from the Reading Writing Hotline presenting on provider insights at the CCA conference Image: Clare Sharp, Vanessa Iles and Jo Medlin Another...

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Image: RWN’s bookmark competition to celebrate 45 years On International Literacy Day, Read Write Now (RWN) in Western Australia celebrated their volunteer literacy tutors who for 45 years have helped over 40,000 people improve their literacy and their lives. To acknowledge their amazing volunteer tutors, Read Write...

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  The Hotline regularly adds new resources to its website. The latest publication is our new free resource Reader friendly communication: A guide to using plain language.   It explores how to use plain language understand your readers design your message present your information in different ways to...

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  Image: Numeracy student, Jacinta at Yarraville Community Centre Linno Rhodes, ACFE Coordinator (pre-accredited) from Yarraville Community Centre explains what can happen with a Reading Writing Hotline referral, a great teacher and a committed student. Linno says “in 2021 I tried to start up a face to face...

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Check out these local and national events. 2022 ACAL AGM The Annual General Meeting of the Australian Council for Adult literacy will be held on: Date: Wednesday, October 19th 2022 Time: 5.00pm Sydney(AEDT)Register to attend: hereAll invited to attend. Voting is for Financial members only. WAVE National Forum includes presentation on literacy labour This year...

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What you told us Thank you again to the many adult literacy and numeracy teachers, tutors, and managers who filled in the Hotline survey on literacy, numeracy, and digital literacy (LND) needs. Social Equity Works, who co-designed the survey with the Hotline, have analysed the results....

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(images from UNESCO) International Literacy Day is on Thursday 8 September. It’s an annual event which has taken place around the world since it was first organised by UNESCO in 1967. The day highlights the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights....

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Registrations still open for the Community Colleges Australia (CCA) Conference Take a look at the upcoming 2022 CCA Annual Conference: Rebuilding Community There are more than 43 speakers and 17 breakout sessions. Speakers include NSW & Commonwealth Skills Ministers, ASQA, TAFE NSW, NSW Dept of Education, Department...

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Thanks to COVID-19 we are more aware of the importance of health literacy. Many teachers have been integrating readable and reliable health information in their classrooms. Around 60 percent of Australians have health literacy skills that make it difficult to fully manage their health and wellbeing....

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