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Tasmania is bringing a much-needed focus to the use of Plain English and Easy English during May.  26TEN will be offering a range of free public Plain English courses, and hosting some Easy English courses for a broad range of providers including government, as well...

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Since last year, Victoria has been rolling out its Adult Literacy Numeracy Practitioners Program (ALNPP) to build capability for teachers working on pre-accredited (non-accredited) adult literacy and numeracy programs across the Learn Local network. Almost 200 teachers undertook the course across 19 locations during 2020,...

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Adult Learning Australia’s Quest magazine has published a great story, drawing together all the challenges and shortfalls crippling adult literacy in Australia at the moment. Rugby league star turned actor Ian Roberts recently hit the news when he confessed he had only properly learned to read...

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Jo Medlin, President of Australian Council for Adult Literacy, was  interviewed as part of a panel on adult literacy for Radio National's Sunday Extra program on 21st February 2021. Jo Medlin highlighted many of the issues faced by adults wishing to improve their literacy in Australia...

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In very welcome news, the House Standing Committee on Employment, Education and Training, chaired by Mr Andrew Laming MP  has just announced it will hold an inquiry into adult literacy, numeracy and problem solving skills in Australia. ‘The Committee is interested in hearing how measures to...

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Helping Clients Fill in Forms Research 2020 Filling in forms has long been a barrier for parts of the community accessing services. Forms have increased in number, become more complex and become digitised. This requires higher level literacy and digital literacy skills in order access critical...

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Ako Aotearoa’s Adult Literacy, Numeracy and Cultural Capability (ALNACC) aims to enhance learner success by supporting educators and organisations in foundation education and promoting teaching excellence.  Following on from our Literacy Links article in back in May, registrations were received by New Zealand from Australian...

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One of the contributors to the Online Learning report was from TAFE SA. They have shared the importance of thinking outside the square and demonstrated how delivery does not necessarily need to be online at all. The workers ‘attending at the RASAC depot, physically distanced...

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Graham (76 years) phoned the Hotline to say he is tutoring Graeme (74 years) and helping him to read. They both attended Lions Club and Graham noticed Graeme struggling to fill in a form.  Graham offered to help and contacted his local Community Centre who...

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Online Learning and Digital Isolation Report During the COVID-19 lockdown, face-to-face classes ceased. For most, this involved fast-tracking the complicated process of moving materials and lessons online and threw many of us, teachers and learners alike, into the deep end when it came to online learning....

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