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A big thank you to the many adult literacy and numeracy teachers, tutors, and managers who filled in our recent survey. Over 470 of you responded to tell us what’s happening on the ground and what the NEEDS are for community literacy, numeracy, and digital...

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A real strength of the Hotline is the diversity of its callers. This week Tom (not his real name) contacted us. He doesn’t have any problems with the technical aspects of reading or writing but has trouble finding the right tone when he communicates. Using...

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The second edition of Literacy Face to Face is out now. Written by adult literacy legend Pam Osmond, Literacy Face to Face is a handbook for volunteer adult literacy tutors and others who want to help someone improve their literacy. You could also use it to...

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The Foundation Skills Framework consultation activities carried out by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) are now complete. The ACER team told us that the themes arising from the consultation include the need to: Understand the purpose of the Australian Core Skills Framework (ACSF) and...

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What do you enjoy reading in Literacy Links? We thought you might want to know that the three most viewed articles in Literacy Links over the last year were SBS Program Lost for Words - Reading Writing Hotline Adult Literacy Specialists – still an endangered...

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31st National VET Research Conference ‘No Frills’ National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) 6-8 July 2022, Online Program out More information Community Colleges Australia National Conference 13-14 September 2022 Sydney More information...

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The Reading Writing Hotline team sends its sympathies to communities in New South Wales and Queensland who are experiencing the devastating impacts of recent floods. Education providers and their student communities, especially in Northern New South Wales and Southern Queensland, are facing major re-building. Our...

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The Hotline is trying to find out from adult literacy and numeracy teachers and managers what’s actually happening, and what NEEDS to happen, to really meet community literacy, numeracy and digital literacy needs. We’d love you to take 10 minutes to complete our survey. The results...

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[caption id="attachment_2646" align="alignleft" width="288"]  [/caption] Vanessa Iles, Manager, Reading Writing Hotline, and Marty Leist from Australian Men's Shed Association (AMSA) Reading Writing Hotline Manager, Vanessa Iles was delighted to be visiting Albury and to be on beautiful Wiradjuri country for her first work trip since COVID began....

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