Thank you Minister O’Connor and team

Thank you Minister O’Connor and team

Minister Brendan O’Connor with Vanessa Iles at the Hotline’s April 30th Celebration

Minister Brendan O’Connor with Vanessa Iles at the Hotline’s April 30th Celebration

Brendan O’Connor announced his resignation last week as Minister for Skills and Training. To many he will be known for his achievements around the revitalisation of VET and in particular the TAFE sector.

We at the Hotline have hugely appreciated his support of adult literacy, in particular the Government’s significant and important change to broaden the eligibility criteria for the Commonwealth’s SEE program.

Mr O’Connor’s understanding of the key literacy, numeracy and digital literacy issues was evident in his speech at the Hotline’s 30th Anniversary in April. He was genuinely concerned at the statistics for adult literacy and numeracy in Australia and committed to introducing measures to achieve positive change. The Hotline wishes him well in his life after parliament.

Congratulations to Andrew Giles who has been appointed as the new Minister for Skills and Training with Minister Watt representing skills and training in Cabinet.