04 Dec Stories from our phonelines
“Failing” a literacy/numeracy pre-assessment
We regularly hear from callers who say they have ‘failed’ a literacy/numeracy pre-assessment for courses such as nursing, and want to know what to do.
Some say that they were going to give up. The Hotline helps callers to check both what they have succeeded with, and the numeracy or other topics which need addressing. Callers are prompted to check if the provider has offered a bridging or similar course to address the literacy or numeracy gaps shown in the assessment, and to check the dates available to re-sit the test.
Contact information for suitable literacy or numeracy courses or tutoring are offered, along with links to learning and practice resources. Callers are equipped with an understanding that gaps in literacy or numeracy can be tackled, along with information, provider contacts, resources and a plan. We hope this results in more people enrolling in nursing (and other) critically needed education and training.
The impossible has started!
Joe* travels up and down the coast trucking goods but gets home for weekends. He told the Hotline he feels shy and embarrassed so hasn’t told even his family that he wants to get better at reading and writing.
Seeing and hearing the Hotline ad over many years, Joe told the Hotline teacher, “It’s taken me years to ring you. My wife reads all the documents at home, but I really want to, as well. I can read the first few words, but then the next word, I can’t understand, so I stop. I don’t know how to break it down to sound it out and know its meaning. I can write what I mean except for the spelling.”
Joe uses his Android phone to look up words and does not yet have a computer or computer skills. Unable to attend a local literacy class because of travelling for his full-time job, Joe was delighted to hear that literacy classes are now available to workers through a distance SEE program and are free. The distance literacy provider will send him hard copy course resources through the post. He will then take these to look at in the evenings on stop overs, learning with his teacher by phone. What he thought might be impossible is now about to start.
* Not his real name