New Commonwealth adult literacy initiatives

New Commonwealth adult literacy initiatives

As part of its VET skills package, the Australian Government recently announced two new initiatives in the adult literacy space, starting in 2020.

Foundation Skills for your Future Program

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Note:this tender has now closed for more information contact

This program focusses on employees who need LLND skills at work or for further study, and will cover both accredited and non-accredited (pre-accredited) training and provides $52.5 million over four years. Projects linking employers and RTOs will deliver LLND contextualised to the workplace. The program anticipates a strong focus on digital literacy, and has developed a Digital Skills framework to be used in parallel with the ACSF for assessment and reporting.

Remote Community Pilots

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Note: this tender has now closed

The program is also funding four pilot adult literacy schemes in remote communities, working with Indigenous organisations. The initiative provides $9.9 million (GST excl.) over three years, to deliver foundation language, literacy, numeracy and digital (LLND) skills training and assessment in four Remote Communities. The four Pilots are to be located in the Northern Territory, Western Australia, South Australia and Northern Queensland.

The Pilots aim to:

  • improve the LLND skills of community members in the Remote Communities;
  • identify and develop systemic approaches to LLND skills training delivery in the Remote Communities; and
  • inform future program delivery, new funding arrangements and/or changes to existing programs such as the Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) program