Happy International Literacy Day!

Happy International Literacy Day!

“If literacy is a victory for humanity, it is a fragile one: there is always the possibility of a relapse. Let this International Literacy Day be a reminder of this – and an opportunity to honour all those who are dedicated to making universal literacy a reality, not just a goal.” (From the UNESCO site).

The Hotline team wants to thank all of you who work so hard for adult literacy, numeracy and digital literacy (LND) in Australia to make it “a reality, not just a goal”. We want to celebrate the important ecosystem of support and LND education in Australia that makes a vital difference to the lives of people who have LND gaps. This support ranges from literacy mediation where informal help is provided for immediate needs such as filling in forms, to programs in community settings such as libraries and neighbourhood centres through to more formal classroom and workplace settings.

International Literacy Day is on September 8 and wraps up Adult Learners week which runs from 1-8 September 2024. This year, UNESCO will be holding global celebrations on 9 and 10 September 2024 in Yaoundé, Cameroon under the theme of “Promoting multilingual education: Literacy for mutual understanding and peace“.

Adult Learners Week is a UNESCO initiative supported in Australia by the Commonwealth Department of Employment and Workplace Relations and coordinated by Adult Learning Australia.