23 Apr Finding literacy classes for Hotline callers
Did you know that not everyone who wants to improve their literacy and numeracy is able access a class? Whilst the Commonwealth-funded Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) and Adult Migrant Education Program (AMEP) classes are available nationally, many callers to the Hotline are ineligible as they are neither migrants nor jobseekers.
Nationally, 13% of calls received by the Hotline result in no appropriate provision being available. Hotline teachers try to find volunteer tutors where no classes exist and will also send learning resources where appropriate so that people can make a start on their learning.
Across the states and territories these figures vary and there is also a discrepancy between metropolitan and rural and remote areas re availability and access to classes.
David is one of those callers. He wants to brush up on reading and spelling. “Every day I struggle with that. As a kid, people tried to teach me but I wasn’t interested. I’m a very active person, I like to be outside. School wasn’t for me. People have tried to help me but I was too embarrassed. For myself I need to do this. I work on sugar cane farms”. There are no literacy classes nearby for David to attend and no access to distance programs.