29 Aug Dyslexia-Friendly launch
Ako Aotearoa and the Tertiary Education Commission (TEC) is proudly launching the New Zealand Dyslexia-Friendly Quality Mark (DFQM)– the only mark of its kind in the southern hemisphere. It will be a free online event on 8 September 8.00am-9.00am (Australian Eastern Standard Time). The DFQM recognises organisations that take a strategic approach to creating an inclusive environment for learners, trainees, or clients with dyslexia. Registration details
If you want to know more about improving outcomes for dyslexic learners in tertiary education join Annette van Lamoen and Mike Styles in a free webinar on the DFQM on 15 September: For more details go to https://www.adcet.edu.au/resource/10701/adcet-webinar-improving-outcomes-for-dyslexic-learners-in-tertiary-education