Celebrating International Literacy Day

Celebrating International Literacy Day

(images from UNESCO)

International Literacy Day is on Thursday 8 September. It’s an annual event which has taken place around the world since it was first organised by UNESCO in 1967. The day highlights the importance of literacy as a matter of dignity and human rights. It is estimated that at least 771 million young people and adults around the world, many of whom are women, cannot read and write at a basic level.

The theme of this year’s International Literacy Day is “Transforming Literacy Learning Spaces”. It’s an opportunity to look at the fundamental importance of literacy learning spaces and how these can be made more equitable and inclusive.

Around Australia, organisations and individuals are taking the opportunity to celebrate the importance of literacy education and the empowering work that adult literacy educators carry out. Check out some of the events listed below.

Reading Writing Hotline

To celebrate International Literacy Day, as well as launching Reader friendly communication: A guide to using plain language, the Hotline is also sharing stories from our partners and a wonderful message about Jacinta’s experience of the Hotline.

Image of Jacinta, a Reading Writing Hotline caller  Image of Director of Sydney Health Literacy Lab, Kirsten McCaffery Image of ACAL President Jo Medlin

Australian Council for Adult Literacy (ACAL)

How the Principles of Universal Design Inform My LLN Teaching Practices with Dean Champ

ACAL webinarInternational Literacy Day EventThursday, 8th September2022Time:4:00pm Sydney (AEST)

In this webinar, Dean Champ is going to explore how the 7 principles of universal design inform the preparation, content writing, physical learning environment, class structure and delivery of LLN content to his student cohort. Dean teaches Foundation level VET courses to students with an intellectual disability and by utilising the principles of universal design, he has reduced the need for differentiating learning material by making it more accessible and inclusive for his students.

Adult Learning Australia

What works professional learning series workshop 8: Developing basic numeracy for the workplace
A reminder that the last workshop of this popular series takes place on Thursday 8 September at 1.00pm. The final workshop will focus on workplace numeracy concepts. Click here for more information.

Western Australia – Read Write Now 45th Anniversary morning tea celebration

To mark International Literacy Day and an important milestone of their own, Read Write Now is hosting a morning tea celebration from 10.00am to 12.00 midday at the Perth Town Hall. Tutors and students will be celebrated through exhibitions, photos and stories recognising their commitment and successes over the past 45 years.


Tasmanian Council of Adult Literacy –TCAL Instructional Video Launch

The Tasmanian Council of Adult Literacy (TCAL) is launching a series of instructional videos as a new resource for Tasmanian ALN practitioners. Register here on Eventbrite to be a part of this event in person or online.

Libraries Tasmania

Smithton, Hobart and West Coast Hub Libraries are all running events on International Literacy Day. Events include two local authors in conversation, running a session for prospective adult literacy volunteers titled “How to teach someone to read “and a volunteers literacy session.

Check out the libraries for more details https://news.libraries.tas.gov.au/2022/08/23/adult-learners-week-at-libraries-tasmania/
