06 Feb A reminder about this year’s ACAL Conference

If you want to be involved in this year’s ACAL conference, the call is now out for presentations.
These can be provided in various session modes and include:
- Practical workshops
- Panels
- Practice Tasters
- Individual Papers
- Posters (New).
For more information on how to submit for a presentation go to More mode details and how to submit.
Posters are a good opportunity, especially for busy teachers, to share information, ideas and their work in adult literacy and numeracy without needing to do a workshop or presentation. Go here to find out more information about ideas for posters and when they need to be submitted.
ACAL conferences are held biannually, and this year’s will be in Melbourne on 4-5 September. It is a wonderful opportunity to share successful practices and new ideas from a diversity of settings.
The 2025 ACAL Conference is supported by VALBEC, the Victorian Adult Literacy and Basic Educational Council.