July 2024

The Manager of the Hotline, Vanessa Iles with Russ Hawkins, CEO Community Colleges Australia and Aboriginal Education Manager, Richard Watson at the NCVER conference in Perth Hotline Manager, Vanessa Iles, was in Perth this month for the 33rd National VET Research conference on Whadjuk country.  The...

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Hotline staff enjoyed meeting local community members at the NAIDOC celebration at Glebe Public School in Sydney. The Community Day saw a good turnout with music, dance, children’s activities and local service provider stalls. Even the Sydney downpours couldn’t dampen the celebrations. This year’s NAIDOC...

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Minister Brendan O’Connor with Vanessa Iles at the Hotline’s April 30th Celebration Brendan O’Connor announced his resignation last week as Minister for Skills and Training. To many he will be known for his achievements around the revitalisation of VET and in particular the TAFE sector. We at...

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The Hotline is busy adding the educational contacts for the new Skills for Education and Employment (SEE) providers to our database. The Australian Government announced the successful providers for its flagship SEE program for literacy and numeracy in late June.  Starting from 1 July, the re-designed...

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This is another gem from the Irish National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA). The guide is for tutors and offers guidelines and practical ideas and suggestions to help you create, write and design learning materials for adult literacy, numeracy and digital skills work. It’s clear and...

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Adult Learners Week runs from 1–8 September and incorporates International Literacy Day, which is celebrated annually on September 8. This year’s theme for International Literacy Day is "Promoting multilingual education: Literacy for mutual understanding and peace". This is an important theme for Australia where adult literacy learning...

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If you are interested in some of the latest research and teaching developments in VET and the literacy/numeracy field check out these conferences happening in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney. VDC’s VET National Teaching & Learning Conference is back in-person at the Melbourne Convention and Exhibition Centre on 15 & 16 August...

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